Showstopper Christmas Bouquet


Our biggest festive bouquet, this is a bouquet that promises to be truly remarkable. A resplendent profusion of blooms, expertly handcrafted into an extraordinary bouquet that's delivered with the utmost care.

They'll see a dazzling array of the freshest, finest festive flowers in shades of plum and burgundy, red and green, with highlights of copper and soft pink. It's a bouquet that won't soon be forgotten.

It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

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  Delivery policy

We ensure all flowers and gifts are packed securely, we are 100% contactless, no signature required

  Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're not happy with your flowers or gifts then get in touch and we will ensure it's put right!


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